“Having a child is like getting a tattoo… on your face. You better be committed.”

Monday, November 26, 2012

Introducing Avery Rose...

Avery Rose 
Birthday: November 16th, 2012
Time: 5:37am
Weight: 5lbs 13oz
Length: 19 3/4 in 

Whew! I have had a lot going on since my last post. Obviously. My baby girl finally came and my labor and delivery experience was overall amazing. I don't have anything to complain about. She is such a good baby and I am so in love. I'm a bit tired but that is undoubtedly expected when you are up at night with the demands of a newborn. Of the products I have posted about so far, I have used the car seat, playard, bedtime bath and boppy pillow. I haven't used the stroller yet since I won't be taking her out anywhere other than the pediatrician for at least a month. The belly bandit is a little too small but I should be able to start wearing it soon I hope. I have dropped 20 pounds since I had her so it better fit soon. Anyway, the car seat works great but the pillow insert doesn't really work for her yet because she is so small. I just use a rolled up blanket instead and make an upside down U at the top of her head so it extends down to her shoulders to cushion her head. Hopefully that makes some kind of sense haha. The bedtime bath smells wonderful so I am pleased with it. The boppy pillow is a godsend! There is no way this child would sleep flat on her back for very long because she wants to feel close and secure. She sleeps on it at night and during her naps. I don't know what I would do without that thing! The playard is great for when I need to change her. The changing table is awesome and I use it every time. The crib part I use occasionally for naps but have been using it more for clothes and a place to set her wet wipes. Thus far, I would recommend everything I have tried, especially the Boppy pillow! This isn't the exact pillow I ordered but it looks even better.

Kickin' back on the Boppy pillow

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